Canengan can also be experienced by babies, not just adults. Sticking a baby will make him fussy and cry because of pain. To reduce pain and discomfort due to cantengan in infants, there are several ways you can do at home.
Cutaneous is a condition where the nail presses or sticks into the skin, and usually occurs in the big toe. One cause of cantengan in infants is the use of socks or shoes that are too tight. In addition, nails attached to the baby can also be triggered by mistakes when cutting baby nails, for example, cutting nails that are too deep or too close to the skin.
Now social media seems to be inseparable from daily activities. It's no wonder that many who express feelings of resentment, anger, or sadness through social media can be a relief. But, actually there are various consequences of these actions. Pouring the contents of the heart or often referred to. But, it's good you do not confide in just anyone or place, especially on social media. Various Negative Possibilities Confide on Social Media Some people are relieved after telling me what makes them upset on social media. Especially after getting a lot of comments support or liking by giving a like symbol. But, actually vent on social media often does not solve the problem and can actually have a negative impact. Relieved, but only briefly The reason people confide and even express their negative feelings on social media is generally because they feel more relieved after doing so. However, it turns out this feeling of relief and calm only lasts in the short term. Furthermor...
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